Anthony has employed evidence-based treatments in the form of both Solution-Focused and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and it variants since the nineties. CBT in particular emphasises regulating emotional distress and dysfunctional behaviour principally by identifying and modifying errors or distortions in thoughts and beliefs and supporting new skills acquisition outside the consulting room.
As CBT has evolved it has come to be used as umbrella term that includes a range of approaches. Anthony draws on a number of these such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy, and Meta-cognitive Therapy.
However in the past five years he has sought to improve and extend his practice by finding gentle, safe and efficient ways to work with emotions, thoughts and behaviour and provide corrective emotional experiences with his clients in the consultation room. Such methods are increasingly evidence-based and can foster deeper, embodied, and more enduring change. This places a particularly important value on emotion not just as the target of change, it employs emotion as a vehicle for change - hence the term: Emotion-Focused Therapy.